City of Bowling Green
The Cave Mill Road corridor, from Dishman Lane to Scottsville Road, has received design funding through the latest KYTC Enacted Highway Plan to address growing congestion and improve safety in response to increased traffic in the area. In 2023, the City contracted American Engineers, Inc. to develop a design for widening the roadway, enhancing intersections, and improving drainage. The project will also feature an 8-foot-wide multi-use path to promote pedestrian mobility. Design work on the roadway and utilities is currently in progress.
Construction on four roundabouts along Westen Street, at the intersections of Rockingham Avenue, Highland Way, Patrick Way, and Ashley Circle, began in 2022 and was completed in August 2024. These new roundabouts, replacing all-way stop-controlled intersections, are expected to reduce delays, particularly during peak PM hours. Each roundabout is of similar size and designed to accommodate passenger vehicles, school buses, and fire trucks. Raised splitter islands have been incorporated to manage traffic flow, and provisions for future sidewalks are included. A fifth roundabout, at Tomblinson Way and Preston Miller Park, is in the final design stages, with construction slated to begin in 2025, pending funding.
The City of Bowling Green has entered into a cost-sharing and property donation agreement with Natcher Parkway Holdings LLC for the extension of Bluegrass Farms Boulevard from its current endpoint near Camping World to a new intersection with Plano Road, opposite Sylvia Way. Construction, which began in June, mirrors the design of the existing Bluegrass Farms Boulevard (3 lanes, curb and gutter, sidewalks). Once completed, this project will support economic development and provide an alternate route between Scottsville Road and Plano Road, with completion expected in May 2025.
As part of our commitment to creating a walkable community, the City continues to allocate funds for new sidewalk construction in areas of need. Projects are prioritized each year using a scoring system. Current sidewalk construction is ongoing along Morgantown Road, Creekwood Avenue, Rodes Drive, Riverwood Avenue, and Rockingham Avenue, with completion anticipated by November 2024. Work is underway to score our next sections of sidewalk.
Similarly, the City’s Greenways Program annually ranks and selects projects based on funding. This year, new greenways will be added along Smallhouse Road, Bryant Way, and Lover’s Lane. Design is nearing completion, with construction slated to begin in the spring of 2025.
The Public Works Department continues to work with the City’s Neighborhood & Community Services Department to provide better pedestrian connections throughout town. A Transportation Improvement Program (TAP) grant was awarded to the City in conjunction with the Greenways Commission that will provide pedestrian and bicycle connections between existing downtown greenways facilities, key destinations in the West End, and will ultimately improve problematic intersection crossings at Veterans Memorial Lane and Gordon Avenue. Construction commenced in May, with an expected completion in October of this year. Another TAP grant was secured to provide for pedestrian refuge islands along Riverview Drive at both College St. and Center St. Design is underway. With the anticipated growth in Riverfront activities, these will provide for safer pedestrian crossings along this corridor.
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