What is the Cemetery Board?
The Cemetery Board was created in 2004 in order to facilitate cemetery grants from the Commonwealth of Kentucky. With few state grant opportunities for cemeteries today, the board has shifted its focus to aid the Planning Commission in their effort to preserve and document as many cemeteries as possible. The board also works closely with the Special Collections Library (formerly the KY Library at Western Kentucky University) to ensure cemetery information is organized under the same unique identifiers and made accessible to the public. The Planning Commission houses a myriad of cemetery information and continues to document the locations of over 400 cemeteries in Warren County and their occupants. The Cemetery Board meets three times a year or on an as needed basis.
If you are looking for a particular cemetery, gravesite or know of an undocumented location, please contact the Planning Commission.
Health, safety, and welfare of the residents are the primary concern of this board. Each location is inspected and certified annually to ensure that the facilities are safe and up to code. Design review of the initial construction or any addition is also part of the board’s responsibility.