The Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment was approved and recommended to the legislative bodies at the March 21st Planning Commission meeting. The Warren County Fiscal Court approved the recommended changes on April 25, 2024. The Bowling Green City Commission approved the recommended changes on May 7, 2024. The changes were finalized for the Cities of Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove and Woodburn on June 19, 2024.

Summary of Changes – February / March 2024

New Amendments as of March 11, 2024 are noted in BLUE

Below, is a summary of the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing for consideration of the proposed amendments is scheduled with the Planning Commission on March 21, 2024. If the proposed changes as proposed are recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, they will then be forwarded to the legislative bodies for final consideration. The proposed changes, as of February 8, 2024, are shown below. Each bullet point represents an area where a change is proposed, followed by a brief description and a page number reference. Click on the article title to see pages of the individual article that has changes proposed. Changes are in red, with underline text being new, and strikethrough text a deletion. The entire article with all text is listed as the last bullet point. The summary below can also be downloaded here.



  • No changes proposed


  • No changes proposed

ARTICLE 3 (only pages with changes)

  • Amended published notice requirements, to allow flexibility for online advertising (pg. 3-2).
  • Amended approval and disapproval processes for Overlay Development Plan applications, to reflect current practice of the Design Review Board (pg. 3-40).
  • Full text of Article 3 with proposed changes

ARTICLE 4 (only pages with changes)

  • Distinguished between TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 Manufactured Homes (also see Article 8 amendments) and permitted zones for each type (pg. 4-4, 4-6 and 4-7).
  • Amended provisions for freight containers as permitted residential unit types and accessory buildings/structures (pg. 4-4, 4-6, 4-12, 4-22, 4-27, 4-54 and 4-61).
  • Clarified applicable development standards for AG-zoned property less than 2 acres in size (pg. 4-5).
  • Clarified swimming pool requirements for through lots and swimming pool requirements in commercial zones (pg. 4-6, 4-13 and 4-54).
  • Clarified setback requirements for driveways and parking areas in single family and multi-family residential zoning districts (pg. 4-11 and 4-26).
  • Added flexibility for parking areas located in front of townhomes (pg. 4-16, 4-17 and 4-29).
  • Clarified applicable development standards for townhomes in multi-family residential zones (pg. 4-22 and 4-29).
  • Added flexibility for residential development signage for multi-family zones in the downtown area (pg. 4-27).
  • Added an option for CB zoning in the Cities of Oakland, Smiths Grove and Woodburn. Also imposed a maximum building height of 3 stories for CB zoning in these areas (pg. 4-30 and 4-31).
  • Clarified accessory structure setbacks for commercial zones, when located adjacent to a single family residential use (pg. 4-31).
  • Removed permitting exemption for pedestrian and motor vehicle control signs (pg. 4-42).
  • Added flexibility for sign illumination certification (pg. 4-42).
  • Added flexibility for canopy signage in commercial and industrial zones (pg. 4-43).
  • Added flexibility for consolidated development signage for commercial, mixed-use and industrial properties (pg. 4-46 and 4-47).
  • Removed prohibition of Electronic Message Display (EMD) signs on Billboard Advertising Signs (pg. 4-49).
  • Added specific use standards for EMDs on Billboard Advertising Signs, including dimming capabilities, minimum display time, permitted transition methods, sign malfunction requirements and light shielding standards when located in proximity to a residential use (pg. 4-50).
  • Clarified requirements for outdoor storage and display in commercial and industrial zones (pg. 4-51, 4-52, 4-53, 4-59 and 4-60).
  • Added flexibility for freight containers utilized for outdoor storage in commercial and industrial zones (pg. 4-53 and 4-61).
  • Clarified permitted outdoor storage and display types in the Cemetery Road and Lovers Lane Overlay Districts. This includes prohibiting Outdoor Display (except Type 1) in the Cemetery Road Overlay District (pg. 4-69 and 4-70).
  • Allowed flexibility for self-service storage uses in the Lovers Lane Overlay District (pg. 4-70).
  • Added a prohibition on the sale of medical cannabis in the Cemetery Road and Lovers Lane Overlay Districts (pg. 4-69 and 4-70).
  • Clarified wall signage requirements for the Cemetery Road Overlay District (pg. 4-76).
  • Removed signage restrictions for the Cemetery Road and Lovers Lane Overlay Districts relating to outdated standards and terms no longer included in the current zoning ordinance (pg. 4-76 and 4-83).
  • Allowed flexibility for wall signage in the Lovers Lane Overlay District (pg. 4-82).
  • Full text of Article 4 with proposed changes.

ARTICLE 5 (only pages with changes)

  • Added new use categories for the sale, manufacturing, production and growing of medical cannabis (pg. 5-4 and 5-5).
  • Clarified minimum acreage requirement for RV Parks (pg. 5-19).
  • Clarified Active Outdoor Recreation and Entertainment Uses, and scenarios where similar uses are classified as Parks and Open Space (pg. 5-22).
  • Clarified that animal grooming and training uses are classified as personal service-oriented retail, unless otherwise defined as a Commercial Kennel (pg. 5-24).
  • Added flexibility for veterinarian clinics, animal hospitals, grooming facilities and training facilities, in proximity to residential districts, structures or uses, where outdoor areas and boarding facilities are limited (pg. 5-24 and 5-25).
  • Clarified screening requirements for self-service storage uses (pg. 5-26 and 5-27).
  • Added specific use standards for the sale of medical cannabis (pg. 5-26).
  • Added clarification for use of freight containers for self-service storage facilities (pg. 5-27).
  • Added flexibility for EV charging stations in NB and GB zoning districts (pg. 5-28).
  • Added specific use standards for the manufacturing or production of medical cannabis (pg. 5-30).
  • Full text of Article 5 with proposed changes.

ARTICLE 6 (only pages with changes)


  • No changes proposed

ARTICLE 8 (only pages with changes)

  • Simplified definitions for ACCESSORY BUILDING, ACCESSORY STRUCTURE and PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE because these terms are already addressed in Article 4 (pg. 8-1 and 8-13).
  • Added definition for DORMER (pg. 8-6).
  • Added definition for HALF STORY (pg. 8-8).
  • Amended definitions for MANUFACTURED HOMES and MOBILE HOMES. Added two new definitions for TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 MANUFACTURED HOMES (pg. 8-10 and 8-11).
  • Amended and clarified definition for MONUMENT SIGN and added a visual example to go with the new definition (pg. 8-15).
  • Clarified definition for WALL or BUILDNG SIGN (pg. 8-17).
  • Full text of Article 8 with proposed changes.


  • No changes proposed


  • No changes proposed