Rezoning from RM-3 multi-family to P Public

The full boundary description and list of addresses can be found at the bottom of the page. Click the map image to get an 11X17 version from Google Drive. The triangle is not highlighted in the image, but it is the triangle of RM-3 to the west of 999 Ironwood Drive.

Briarwood – Airport Cleanup – RM-3 to P – A triangle-shaped portion of the airport property adjacent to 993 Ironwood Drive, 999 Ironwood Drive and 1001 Ironwood Drive beginning at a point located at the common property corner at the southwest corner of 993 Ironwood Drive and the northwest corner of 999 Ironwood Drive; thence in a northerly direction approximately 17 feet to a point located along the western property of 993 Ironwood Drive; thence in an westerly direction to a point; said point approximately 160 feet in the airport property; thence in a southeasterly direction approximately 260 feet to a point; said point being a at the intersection of two rear property lines of 1001 Ironwood Drive; thence in a northerly direction following the rear property lines of 1001 Ironwood Drive and 999 Ironwood Drive back to the point of beginning.


Addresses to be rezoned to P – A small triangular shaped portion of 1000 Woodhurst Street (Bowling Green Warren County Airport)